Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the jesus list

if jesus is God in human flesh, then one can assume that jesus is what God looks like in human culture.
In other words, jesus illustrates for us what God would do if he walked this earth.

the Bible claims that for 33 years in human history . . . God walked this earth as a man named Jesus of Nazareth.
real time. real places. real events.

Now, I think most are aware of the Christian belief that Jesus was born, crucified, and resurrected. But what else did He do? What about all the years he spent on this earth as a human? To what did he devote his time?
Off the top of my head, I have attempted to compose a list of some of the things that God did on this earth as a human. This is my jesus list so far (feel free to add to it) :

-at an early age, he showed a thirst for truth and for His Creator.

-his parents got frustrated with him.

-he went to a lot of social gatherings.

-he performed miracles: always to meet a need of some sort; specifically, a physical need.

-he yelled at religious leaders. even insulted them and called them out.

-He picked out a group of men to be his closest friends. 3 in particular were closest to him.

-he spent a lot of time with people who had horrible reputations.

-he surrounded himself with destitute, broken, and needy people.

-he was so scared that he sweated blood.

-he promised salvation to a dying criminal.

-he lived in poverty and was homeless; he was more of a traveling wanderer than anything else.

-he depended on community.

-he wept. he glared. he exaggerated to get his point across.

-he did many things that were considered taboo by his culture.

-he loved to break down the socio-ethnic barriers of his culture; he transcended things like race and social status.

-he baffled religious geniuses and connected with the simple minded.

-he held little children and threatened those who hindered them from coming to him.

-he was deserted and misunderstood.

-he was betrayed by his closest friends.

-he constantly allowed himself to be interrupted by unimportant people.

-he took no political stance. on the contrary, he was subversively propagating a kingdom "not of this world".

-he enjoyed having meals with people.

-he would not let people call him "good" or give him praise.

-he was a story-teller.

-he performed radical love demonstrations.

-he prayed often.

-He often would go to be alone with God by himself.

-his accusers could not get any dirt on him and his oppressors could not find fault in him.

-he felt alone and vulnerable; forsaken by God.

and the list goes on and on and on.

jesus: he completely baffles me. and I love it.

he truly is unique.

out of all the people,
who have walked this earth;
out of all the kings, queens,
political leaders, activists,
emperors, peace-makers,
prophets; of all those who claimed
to know the way to Truth . . .

he is the only person that I would ever want to worship.