Friday, January 30, 2009

this bread tastes like hypocrisy

"give us this day our daily bread"

this phrase from the Lord's prayer drives me bonkers.
what am I to do with something like this.
Me: a rich white spoiled priviliged American.
I've never known what it is like to not know when I am going to eat again.
I have not experienced severe hunger . . . worry of what I am going to eat next has never
been a problem. 
In fact, whenever I pray this particular prayer . . . I feel somewhat ridiculous. 
and slightly hypocritical. only slightly . . . then I realize that I'm such a great pharisee. (sarcasm)
there are tons of people around the world who pray this 
prayer and when they say "give us this day our daily bread", it means something to them. that is actually their reality. 

I suppose I could try and just ignore it; maybe even skip over it. 
but it will not leave me alone.
and I wonder why. should I give up all I have until obtaining food becomes an issue? should I live way below my means? 
I am not really sure. 
I am unsure of the details but I am sure that there is a deeper principle to be gleaned here: Dependence on God. 

one of the greatest and most efficient human abilities is the ability to forget God. it is funny how dependance puts God where He should be in the human mind. it forces humanity to look outside itself and it's possesions. it brings about vulnerability in us all. makes us a little weaker and frail. more limited and finite. 

so give up things more often.
start out small. 
let go and really let go. 
feel the freedom that comes from it. 
embrace a vulnerable dependance on God.
and maybe, when you pray "give us this day our daily bread",
instead of being berated with feelings of guilt,
you'll smile because you have actually 
given God a chance to provide for you. 

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